By Himself

By Himself


I spent a lazy day mooching around Ullapool looking for gifts (guess who for?) and dodging into various cafés and eateries when the rain swept in. I've eaten far too much and the Scottish menu does seem to be errm, 'robust'. I thought 'macaroni cheese and chips' was a step too far so had 'teriake chicken in a brioche' aka sticky chicken burger. With chips of course. Maybe the macaroni would have had fewer calories after all.
Later a much looked forward to but too brief blip-meet with Apothecary7 and Beachcomber149. So good to meet them and it reminded me of what a great community blipfoto is. It was through them that I discovered Bridge House Art.
Now back in Inverness, my B&B overlooking the marker stone of the end of my walk last week and feeling nostalgic about it, remembering how great it felt to have reached it..
Flying home to Ireland tomorrow - will be good to be back.

The photo is actually from yesterday, too wet for one today.

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