Assembly and John Knox

I phoned C this morning and had a long chat.  She never phones but it is good to talk.  

Summer arrived today.  By the time I left to foray down Barnton way the sun was shining, there was blue sky and it was hot/very warm.

It was a bit of a magical mystery tour on the #41, not only are there the tram works but now a bit of George Street is just to house the 'Famous Spiegeltent', set up in the road outside the Assembly Rooms.  Whose bright idea was that?

I was heading towards the 'ferry' to look at a house.  Not for me, although I was definitely seeing the south facing garden on the best day possible.

On the way back I got off to 'soak up' some of the atmosphere. Not finding any spare seats in the beer gardens I ended up buying - a necklace, 2 pairs of shoes (all sale), a blue glass heart, ear rings and a 'love box'.  It was impossible to find somewhere to sit outside and eat and drink and eventually I made it back to Cafe Artista for a 4 p.m. very late pizza brunch. It was hot but my right leg was so sore.  It's not my back but it makes walking very painful.

I sat in the sun for a while then came back and ended up having a siesta, which was lovely.

Then it was off to my first Fringe show - Marcus Brigstocke.   He was funny but maybe not as funny as he could have been and it was SO hot.  Bit like the Assembly used to be - before the Parliament.

The town is hoochin'.  Central Edinburgh is one big venue and it's the noise that gets you as you walk through the streets.  Not only the Ladyboys of Bangkok booming out across the Meadows, nor the Tattoo fireworks (once a night, except Sunday, and twice on Saturday), nor the itinerant street performers but also the hubbub from the masses on the streets. It just hits you. And then there are those young folk walking round with IDs and lanyards wearing T-shirts that say 'crew' or 'street team' - far more lanyards than in London.   I don't remember it being like this last year.  It was so quiet last week and now ..... Maybe it was the bad weather kept everyone in this year but now they've come out, like Hobbits, and it is like one big Hen Night!

But me, well after the show it was straight home.  Not a lot of fun doing the  Festival, on your own when everyone else is in couples and groups.

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