Red Flash

By RedFlash

What a day

So many medals - so much time spent sat on the sofa watching. Well it will only be on for another week and I don't want to miss anything

In between watching, I've rushed to Southampton for a quick bit of shopping (and a blip). Cleaned the oven - I hate that job and I don't do it very often. And tidied the medicating cupboard. Medinces are now in boxes labelled, 'Pain', 'Tummy' and 'Cold'

Go large to see all of the shoppers

The things that made me smile:

A red old fashioned Beetle decked out with white ribbon as a wedding car - such style - I hope that the bride's dress was small


Success made it to the Spotlight - Thank you very very much

Exercise: I've hula hooped to Underworld - Caliban's Dream - Yes I'm still listening to it

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