
Our day of ‘War Stuff’ began with a walk to the Caen Memorial – a museum of as well as a monument to the War and a surprisingly interesting, as well as moving, way to spend a morning. Afterwards we drove to Juno Beach, where the Canadian Regiments came ashore, and signed up for a tour of the German bunkers there as well as a poke round that museum and a stroll along the beach. Then we drove the short distance along the coast to Arromanches to see the remains of the artificial ‘Mulberry’ harbour that was built there after D-Day in order to land all of the troops, armaments and supplies that followed in the wake of the initial offensive. Footsore and hungry by this point, we finished the day with a burgers-and-sundaes type meal in a huge grey barn a couple of parking lots away from our hotel – our local branch of ‘Le Poivre Rouge’, very nice it was, too…

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