The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Farewell to the Grey

Almost no one will get that reference except my sister TMLHEREANDTHERE. In the 1970s,
when the Scottish regiment the Greys was being disbanded, we had an album of military music entitled Farewell to the Greys. Just thinking about it makes me want to start marching to the tune if Bonnie Dundee!

Today it was the grey brown cat I was bidding farewell to. She has a beautiful dense coat, a talkative miaow maybe somewhat Siamese, but no purring ability whatsoever. Even when she's sitting on my knee...

I cleaned the house and did some gardening. It was a sunny day, and across the road a man in a Rasta hat and his family were cutting the lawn and trimming the plants. This is Neat Street! The neighbours were moving house, slowly slowly, to a house in the next street. Something to do with the man's having to live close to his parents, but not actually with them....

Steve came and picked me up, late afternoon, and we headed home. It feels amazingly good to be back here, even though we are off again on Tuesday, to Argyll this time.

PS what sort of Blue cat doesn't purr?


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