
By DancingAly

Paint, Paint and more Paint

It feels like all I've done is paint fences...

This time I did L's side. I made a bit of a mess when I did mine, so I offered to do hers. I was really pleased with how it turned out, and so was she. She was away when I did it, and sent me a message when she got back to tell me how pleased she was with it. I'm glad she liked it. I've since painted the post as well, so it's all done (finally) and it all matches. 

It looks so lovely in the sunshine, and ties it all together. But sometimes I look at it all, the house, the garden, the plants, the fence, and wonder what it's all about. When the bad stuff happened last September, I just looked at it all, and wondered why it seemed so important. Let them take it, they can have it. Not sure I feel that much different now. 

I'm looking forward to going on holiday. I think. I'm a bit cross with myself for not doing a bit trip. Once again, fear got the best of me. At least I'm going away for a break. I need some thinking time, I think it will be good for that. 

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