Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Flowers on Friday. FF12.....Technology.

White Calla Lily........ Fibre Optic!!!
    Well you did say Technology!...... and here it is.  I took loads of shots of this with all the different colours that appear while it is switched on, If I did some extras I would not have any left!! I felt this one was one of the best shots.
    Mrs B saw this in a garden centre and rather liked it. It is now in pride of place on the hall table. I must say it is rather decorative when it is on in the late evening!
    Have been in the garden again today, taking advantage of the nice weather. We need some rain down here, very dry at the moment.
Must get out and do some watering now.

Hope you are all well and do have a nice relaxing weekend.
Take care.

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