The next generation
Back to the Marazion run again today. Noticed the other day that, at the end, there's a short sprint section on Strava and my 40 seconds had put me at 70 out of 700 so, today, I couldn't resist going for it a bit. 34 seconds and 28th. If it didn't come after 6.5 miles I might be able to go a bit faster...
Pottered a bit with M and then with H and C. Another Sunny day! Finished with chicken stir fry courtesy of M, Olympics and The Man With Two Brains.
Here are H and M hard at work. Well, H has finished her work but M was doing a bit of work towards getting his "Chartership".
- 2
- 0
- Apple iPhone 5s
- 1/100
- f/2.2
- 4mm
- 32
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