
By tpd


... poor Yorick Pope Benedict XIII. A cast of the mummified skull of his papalness, responsible for the confirmation of privileges of the University. The actual pope that is, not his mummified skull.

A visit to MUSA today with plenty of stuff for the smaller +3s to do, lots of interesting bits and pieces about the University and a fantastic view over west sands. We also managed to fix the lack-of-icecream with a visit to Jannetta's for six cones, one tub and 11 scoops of icecream. The coffee and rum & raisin were excellent.

A quick swing past the town hall for the St. Andrew's Photographic Society (some illustrious names present in the run up to the establishment of the society: Brewster,  William Henry Fox Talbot) exhibition.

Quick play on the east sands, dinner, Uno, olympics, bed.

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