Lala's Journal

By Lala

Finding Dory

Finding Dory at the cinema today, not I hasten to add in the lifeboat pictured! Caught that by chance and only at a distance with my phone, but still more interesting than the comedic selfies the girls took at the cinema.

Dog has had an upset stomach for a week now, so on half rations of chicken and rice, so he also is only getting short walks the last few days. So, that in fact is the lazy day we had today, short walk this morning, cinema, dinner in Frankie & Benny's another short walk this evening.

This week has cost an amazing fortune, although some of that is down to the ease of eating out when faced with four very different diet tastes! Tomorrow the Fair opens on Littlestone Greens, so guess where we are going before the parents arrive for a BBQ before heading off home with our visitors leaving us reeling with housework and our own laundry instead of tiny bits!

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