It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann


"I want to go to the Olympics" said no1 son for the fifteenth time before breakfast. Little did either of us know mr mc had booked us train tickets to London to go next weekend. We don't have any event tickets (and unless I win the lottery tonight I don't think I'll be getting any) but there are big screens everywhere and we can see the marathon and the serpentine swim... Who knows what can happen? We definitely won't see anything if we stay in Preston!

No1 son wanted to buy a bag and outfit for the trip. He's already packed the bag with 3 pairs of glasses, his Olympics outfit (including team GB socks and wristband), a torch, toothbrush, first aid kit, 2 bottles of water, wallet (£15 inside), a bracelet, a cbeebies Sport magazine and a nit comb. That should do us for 2 nights away.

Now we just need a hotel... Guess what I'm going to be going tonight?

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