new look

Babycakes got her first ever glasses today. She looks like me now - though in this photo she looks like her biggest girl cousin Mollie - which may mean that Mollie looks like me? It's all a bit circ-li-arghhhh, so I'm not sure where it stops. No doubt an older member of the family will claim that we all look like Auntie Wotsit anyway.

We spent four hours in a shopping mall today - my credit AND debit cards are lying in shreds and bleeding heavily. I'm assuming that they will die of their wounds. The rest of this month we will be eating dry bread and cycling a lot due to lack of funds. However, all children are suitably shod and back-to-school ready, one complete with nice shiny laptop which I am busily coveting. Though I'd almost prefer to spend that money on a new lens or two....

But anyway, life isn't about money, it's about fun and laughter and stuff - so, to make you laugh, I will tell you that I have had a song that I didn't even know stuck in my head for days. Today I searched mine and Flea's in-brain music catalogue before hitting the interweb. I assumed it was Michael Jackson but Flea told me it was a female voice (yes, Michael Jackson, was my reply) but it turns out that I have been singing away to En Vogue's Don't Let Go. Have you ever heard of that? No, me neither. Luckily the children have just been screaming "HEY HO LET'S GO" in the bathroom so my brain is feeling slightly cleansed. I'll have to get some headphones on and blast out the last shreds of....well, go and google it yourself because SURELY you don't know that song, do you?

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