Let's go fly a kite

Another of Kai's "50 things to do before you're 11 3/4"  ticked off the list. 
Today, at Croome Park,  he achieved:-
No. 7 Fly a kite (although it's Mummy doing it here. He did run off down the hill and spent about 20 minutes flying the kite on his own)
No. 5 Skim a stone
No. 22 Explore inside a tree (see extras although Beck is out of focus)
We also saw a combine harvester across the road to our house before we went out (see extras).
When we were near to the lake at  Croome Park I spotted what appeared to be a Greater Spotted Blipper lurking in the undergrowth (easily identifiable by the long lens). I tentatively asked "Jill?" and yes - she turned around. "Coffee Potter?" (I'm identified by the two Bedlington Terriers). It was none other than the delightful JDO.  What a coincidence! Last time we were there we bumped into Redilady and Tedwin! 

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