Exford Show

Today Mr Tbay, Little Miss and Mrs Tbay Jnr and of course myself headed off for Exford Show which took place high up on the moor which afforded wonderful views of the countryside around . It has been about 46 years since I last went to this delightful little show and it has changed a bit! The weather was rather a mixed bag . Wonderful sunshine, rain and overcast! Little miss was enthralled by the Exmoor ponies of which there were lots! Most of the horse classes were for the Exmoor Pony which is unsurprising as this is their home turf!

After a burger and cheesy chips, a wander to see the selection of stalls, we went to watch the showing classes which is my blip today. I loved the smile on the young girls face showing she was really enjoying herself!

The Exmoor Pony is one of the most endangered species in the wild with only some 300 ponies left on the Exmoor running wild. They are such an ancient breed and extremely hardy. Many a Farmer on the moors has relied on these little ponies to transport them and work for them. Long may they thrive.

Farming - Compost hauling followed by silaging today. The Kubota was used again but there are some drawbacks. The jury is still out on this one.

Having a lazy BBQ at the Tbay Jnrs now...............

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