Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

'Joshie's' Jumper for Ro.

This was a present from Holly's boyfriend Josh, he bought it in a Charity shop in Devon which I thought was very sweet because we've only met once and he just knows how much I love cats, and slap bang here we have my new favourite item of clothing. Hurrah!

Isn't it cute? Look at all the kitties! It goes well with my Denim shirt, hehe aw it cheers me up. Bless him and his cute present buying ways.

I am in a chirpy mood, just pierced my friend's smiley, I love seeing people happy after their piercings. So that was nice, she suits it alot too! I'm quite tired after last night, sorry for having to backblip! I miss my Bethan, i'm off to see her tomorrow before she goes on holiday, i'll get a lift to Wylam, I can tell I'm going to cry for so long when she leaves. Urgh, Sadness. Im going to be good though, and just await her return, not let the misery get me down all over again. Sigh, I hate what I did to her. I will never hurt her again.

But yes, be Jealous of my vintage Jumper! It's so adorable and Wooly.


My head is stuck in the clouds

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