Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Time for tea

I spent the morning up at the Mairie sorting out next week's concert and discussing the progress of the project to install a ring of bells in the church tower and thus become the only church in France capable of producing English change ringing.  Both deputy mayors are keen. The structural report is favourable.  M. Bousigues showed me his collection of photographs of bells and foundries from around the world.  His interest is more in the bells themselves rather than the ringing but at least he is an ally.  I am as stiff as a board after last night's badminton tournament that did not finish until very late.  There were 48 entrants which was a good turnout..  We lost in the final.  It was the first time I tried any strenuous sport for six weeks or so and I had no ill effects.

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