Fine and Dandy

That's what 'Matilda' is going to look like after her final application of a 'Bobby Dazzler' top coat which we are going to give her this afternoon.

First thing this morning when it was drizzly and overcast we went to the Model flying field as yesterday Mr T lost control of one of his models here .  It was too windy really to fly models  but with Mr T's significant prowess as an all-round aviator, he thought he might get away with it with this particular model - sadly not though as he was flying too high, the wind took it and it was never to be seen again.  Despite much hunting for it by Himself and Bob in and around Maize and other crop fields round and about, there was no sign of it, so we returned to have another look this morning with the radio transmitter to see if there was any answer - sadly not but I did see a HARE hopping off into a field full of Cabbages.  I waited and after a little while I caught sight of a pair of large brown-tipped ears just appearing out of the cabbages and fired off a few shots.  Once home and pictures downloaded I found only ....  cabbages :-( 
So here's a big fat Bee enjoying his little bit of sunshine and the sun's shining here now. 

PS.  After the fourth attempt I've actually linked to the lost model, otherwise you would have thought Mr. T was flying some very unlikely objects!!!

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