My Morning Rainbow

Dear Diary,

Every morning when I open my bedroom door I look for my little rainbow, if the sun is shining of course.  It can appear anywhere in the hall depending on the time of year and the time I get up.  Today it was briefly on the 19th century silk embroidered piece that is hanging in the stair well.  It faded very rapidly and I was lucky to get a photo of it.

I've always found these little rainbows so comforting for some reason.  I make a point of touching them when they appear.  Once, when one rather large one was on the hall floor, Emerson came over and sniffed it.  I don't know if cats see color as vividly as we do but he was certainly interested in the shinning spot on the floor.  The rainbows are created by the beveled glass mirror that hangs in the bathroom off the hall. 

There is a small chance of a thunderstorm later this morning and I have my fingers crossed.  Everything is so dried up and withered it is quite a sad looking garden right now.

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