golden butterscotch...
...shining in a sunbeam
that would be miss mollie-boo herself
there was no lacking of sunbeams this afternoon - and miss mollie was all over them - rolling around in their heat and beams - wherever they landed as you can see - due to the color of her fur - that rich butterscotch shade - it almost appears that the sun is radiating off of her, glowing around her body - illuminating her in this buttery way which makes you - imagine she must be incredibly hot - but she never gave any indication she was uncomfortable at all
isn't that funny about animals? how we humans think they must be one thing - because that's how we'd be, but they - are really quite all right since their body structures are so different - it amazes me, yet this is the beauty of creation - just one of the reasons to embrace nature - to explore the differences which exist between humans and animals - i love seeing these kinds of things with miss mollie - it's only one example of how it contributes to us having...
happy day.....
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