One click at a time

By KeithKnight

August Challenge- Somewhere you sat - On a Thistle

Day 4 of Missymoos challenge - Somewhere you sat: Where have you sat today? Take a photo.

So off I went up to the Dunstable Downs (in between showers). It was lovely up there, though quite windy, but then it is the home of the London Gliding Club and a lot of kite flying also goes on up there, so it tends to be a good place for wind.

I walked down the hill a little and found somewhere to sit to do an SP of me sitting to fulfil the theme, having forgotten my wireless remote I was using the self timer, press the button and dash down slippery grass on a steep hill in trainers that had no grip and sit - first time right on a thistle. Not the one on the right of my blip for 2 reasons, 1 - I'm not stupid enough to sit where there is a thistle flower (some may challenge that) and 2 - the one where I sat is now a little flatter than this one.

There you have my "Somewhere you sat" - on a thistle on the Dunstable Downs.

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