Biscuit Eyes...

With a gap in the diary I thought about all the daft things I'd be tempted to do in the Alps on my own, the sort of things that keep setting my recovery back - I made some decisions about trying to finish off the Sport England project and rebalance my working life -and decided the sensible thing to do (never my favourite choice) would be to come back to the UK for a few days. Whilst I can do the project work perfectly well from France (if anything the IT infrastructure is better) there is often no quicker solution that face to face - the fact I've actually flown back will also be politically beneficial, even if it is the sort of nonsense I've tried to engineer out of my working life.

For once the journey was super smooth and I treated myself to finishing my book ( Use of Weapons, Iain M Banks) and Mrs IttH came and collected me from the station. As ever when I've been away I've also developed a little fluffy white shadow who every so often decides I'm not paying her enough attention and alternately sings to me or gives me these eyes.....

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