The Everyday Frustrations of the Office Worker

My Dear Fellow,

Another Monday. It wasn't horrible but it was - oh - just annoying.

At the end of last week, I was dealing with three different areas. Two 3rd party suppliers and our internal IT people.

You can imagine. They all insist on going through me to talk to each other. It's like dealing with divorcing couples. "Can you tell HIM that WE can't progress until THEY confirm blah blah blah..."

I was hoping it was over. But came back in to more of it today. One third party wanted a simple yes-or-no answer. Getting it from the other third party was impossible. They kept giving the same answer over and over. "It is as we have said it is." "Does that mean yes or no?" "It is as we have said it is."


This afternoon I chaired a meeting I'd been asked to set up to discuss a specific IT issue. I arrive to find that they'd already solved it by talking between themselves. So why were we having this meeting?

I was about to get up and go when some bright spark decided he wanted to rename all our non-standard file names because they were non-standard.

"But they've been non-standard for YEARS," I protested. "And we've got enough to do already."

No. Chap decided. Since we were all here, now is the time.

So now I have to send an email to the two 3rd parties, and our internal IT people telling them we've decided to rename everything for no good reason because we had a spare hour with nothing else to do.

And to top it all off, the string on my teabag came loose, leaving the bag to go adrift and my tea to over-brew. These are the everyday frustrations of the office worker.


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