In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

You cant bring me down

Standing defiantly on Schoolhill. this listed building forms part of The Triple Kirks. Well woopdedoo!
The rest of the building, holds a bar, a nightclub and, I believe, a dance studio, and sits opposite the stunning facade of Aberdeen Art Gallery.
It is not listed becauseout it is pretty, pretty gross if you ask me, nor because it sits, precariously, listing over a straight drop on to the Denburn Dual Carriageway below. It is boarded up, shored up and f****d up.
It appears to be laughing, nay, smirking at the city as if to say, "You can't bring me down."
Local businessman, and chairman of Aberdeen Football Club, bought it some years ago, with a view to redeveloping it, but because of the landscape it sits on, it is a near impossible task.
Unless, of course, some other businessman comes up with a plan to raise the beautiful 200 year old sunken gardens that sit adjacent to it, and build over the road so it becomes more level.
Maybe then Mr Milne will, perhaps support such a scheme so he can go ahead with his plans also.
OH, WAIT A MINUTE. That has already happened. Silly me, forgetting such a thing.

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