Too much to ignore

One week after suggesting that I would try to belatedly emulate Arachne with a weekly photo from the same place, I have failed. The first of today's extras is almost the second in that planned series. Almost because what I intended to call Vidux, in reference to the birds, was taken from an adjacent room to the staff tea room. It was at the right time, and of the same scene. 

The second extra photo was what caught my eye when stopped at the traffic lights in Jervois Road near Three Lamps. As is my almost unconscious habit when driving I glanced into the mirrors. The view to the rear in the right hand side mirror demanded to be recorded.

However,, after getting home much later than I have been (after going to Harvey Norman's in Wairau Park after work to get S a new Kindle for her birthday, the old one being broken), I saw one of the most magnificent sunset skies from the deck, set off by the lights on in Grey Lynn Park for the Rugby League training. I had the time and the place to compose my photo, rather than a quick shot before the ducks were out of shot, or the lights had changed. 

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