The Sunflower Seed Snacking Competition had a surprise winner today seen here on the Medal Platform waiting for her species anthem to play and the awarding of her medal. Team Rose breasted Grossbeak beat out the competition including Team House finch and Team Blue Jay who everyone thought was a shoe in. Team House finch showed up in numbers to compete , even bringing their alternates onto the field. ( see extras) Of course this flagrant breach of rules resulted in their immediate disqualification leaving an opening for Grossbeak to sneak in and takeover the feeder and the lead. Sheer excitement ensued as she held her position against the Cardinals and Blue Jays.
Celebrity spotting is always a sport at the Olympics and here at NY AOG Stadium it's no different: A blue gray gnatcatcher and a magnolia warbler were seen in the bleachers watching the events and snacking on some tasty gnats .
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