Mono Monday - Touch

I made the call to stay home again today. I get my results tomorrow, so I'm hoping some light might be shed ...

School camp on Wednesday until the end of the week. I want to have some resilience as it's a pretty full on camp with long, full days and short, full nights! You've got to love Year 9 students!

So, today is Mono Monday and the theme is Touch, I believe. Thanks to JDO for hosting and for the clear instructions!

What else could it be but the velcro dog himself. There's not enough touch in the world for Cousteau. He doesn't understand the concept of personal space and turns himself inside out for cuddles, pats and scratches. Me? Well, I love those soft, velvety ears; his knobbly head and his cold, wet nose. We might whinge when we are covered in hair and slobber, but at the end of the day, we love touching him as much as he likes being touched.

I mightn't have mentioned recently how much I love all of Cousteau ....!

Thanks for popping by.


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