Come into the Garden

By aprecious

It's not the winning...

I'm sad for Ms Add
But she shouldn't feel bad.
No doubt, if asked, the Fonz
Would say that a bronze
In the pool is still cool.

This is my sad face, but I'm only pretending! After this I ran about with my favourite toy and lay on my back and chewed it, till I'd removed it's leg.


It was still a fab day medal-wise. To make a brief political point cutting the schools' sports partnership was very premature. If you want Olympic and other success you have to prioritise sport!

Here is the link to ByteBack's trailer - they are at the Edinburgh Fringe 6th, 7th and 8th. If you are Edinburgh based we would love to see you! (I won't be there, sadly. After 8 weeks sabbatical thought I ought to be in work!)

Absolutely gorgeous day this morning. Sun has gone in now :( I have fiddled with this shot...

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