Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Chins up.

So yes, been a while.

If only I had something interesting to report (I don't). I've pretty much been at work 24/7 of late. I am on my last day off of 4 which has been incredible let me tell you. I'm also going back to my flat on Friday to pack up and check the carnage that is. I'm concerned that I've left a mug or a plate of food in my room. Fingers crossed its a no.

I want to talk about being happy. I was just doing my hourly rounds of social media and I saw the most beautiful little quote 'keep your head up, your tiara is falling'. And with that, I want to talk to you all about how important it is about being happy.

Disclaimer, sometimes it's good to feel sad. Like when you stick a sad film on (Forrest gump and Up and notebook TO NAME A FEW), cry until you literally can't feel your face and pass out surrounded by pizza crusts. Thats what is called 'ugly crying' and we all go through it.

I happen to know a thing or two about depression. I suffered when I was younger due to a nasty relationship and I've had bursts now and again. One being the most recent, the crash. (Don't know what I'm talking back go about 6 months).

People have different ways of coping with sadness. Some shop, eat, or drink. I personally like to talk. Literally talk until I can't even whisper any more words out. I found this out when Lee was in a flap and he wanted 'quiet time' and to me that sounds like hell.

What I'm trying to say is, remember to be and feel happy. Regardless of whether you want to cry into the abyss or not. Because even when you're facing the devil himself, you're still the best person in the world at being you.

Keep your head up, your tiara is falling.

Happy blipping

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