MollyMay and Ninny

This is really a moment to treasure. MollyMay has never met another blipper but during her visit from Australia she desperately wanted to meet Ninny . They have so much in common with their grandies and beasties and they've been friends online for three years. They've shared good times and bad times swapped funny stories and sympathised with each other's problems.
This morning, after a lot of negotiating and tweeking of schedules we managed to grab a coffee with Ninny at 'Media City' in Manchester.
There was a point where we thought it wouldn't happen and we ended up with less time together than we would have liked. But we managed it. We made the most of the time we had with lots of chat and laughter and hugs.
Thank you Ninny and thank you to Glyn for getting Mary there and to Liz and Gaz for getting me there. This is a very special blip.

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