Plain vanilla
Mr B remembered today about some presents he bought the kids ages ago, so they came out. Here, TallGirl has used her science set ("Oh fabulous - we have these at school") to build vanillin. Or something.
After much science chat, more lazing in the garden, some diy (including something complicated with curtains) then off to buy diy supplies. All perfectly normal until someone drove into the back of us while we were stopped at a zebra crossing. Ouch. With very little damage to our car (and them happy to admit it wasn't our fault at all - well, it was evident) we decided we couldn't be bothered to fill in forms and just shook hands and left. I hope this doesn't come back to bite us... Since I have a vague recollection that the form is obligatory...
Anyway, more barbie food, a long watering the garden session and an early night. The heat is exhausting!
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