In Lyne Church..

...where worship takes place on the first Sunday of the month.....other times at Manor.

IHS is one the best known Christograms of ancient use.  They denote the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus, IHΣΟΥΣ, iota-eta-sigma, or ΙΗΣ.   It's a very popular symbol in Western Christianity - both catholic and protestant.   Another interpretation is that it represents the initials of the Latin phrase "Jesus Hominum (or Hierosolymae) Salvator", ("Jesus, Saviour of men [or: of Jerusalem]" 

Or maybe In Hoc Signo, associated in legend with Constantine's conversion to Christianity, the massive jump that boosted the spread of the new faith through the Roman Empire.   (This interpretation - if you know the story - encouraged me to leave the sunlight as part of the image here.)

Or, as told to me by my father - a man of simple but profound faith - In His Service.  

These devices are known as "backronyms" - a backronym is constructed by creating a new phrase to fit an already existing word, name, or acronym. 

EXTRA:   Lyne Parish Church is the smallest parish church in Scotland!

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