Off Piste

Tiny reporting
At the sno farm again and The Boss and granny (acycling)was joined by piano lady and her tuner D  for an adventure on their new sno shoo’s. (extra)
Lots of fun and a confidence builder as they learnt how to negotiate the unpopulated areas and deal with the unexpected “soft bits” that one encounters on these adventures.

There is a fab snowman in extras too BUT the image that didn’t make it there was the one that no one took as they met this bloke with a K9 scarf around his neck. He had been out snow shoeing with his slightly elderly terrier which had got very tired so there it was wrapped around his neck looking as happy as can be. Glad that big T didn’t see this as The Boss would sure struggle to do the same. 
Everyone was so surprised that no one thought of a camera.

It reminded The Boss of his Mothers “Fox Fur” which was all the rage 60 + years ago.

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