Lakeland Dipper 38

Walked across the fields to have a look at the PotsInthePens. Found it a bit disappointing but very satisfying to just walk over the fields and across the river to get there and really good to see the Sunbeams Trust project looking much closer to completion. It is such an amazing example of creative imagination making a difference to very challenging lives ... it made me think about all the rigid ways in which other systems operate ... back to bean counting .....
Went for a late swim in Ullswater.

Flying Inside Your Own Body by Margaret Atwood

Your lungs fill & spread themselves,
wings of pink blood, and your bones
empty themselves and become hollow.
When you breathe in you’ll lift like a balloon
and your heart is light too & huge,
beating with pure joy, pure helium.
The sun’s white winds blow through you,
there’s nothing above you,
you see the earth now as an oval jewel,
radiant & seablue with love.
It’s only in dreams you can do this.
Waking, your heart is a shaken fist,
a fine dust clogs the air you breathe in;
the sun’s a hot copper weight pressing straight
down on the thick pink rind of your skull.
It’s always the moment just before gunshot.
You try & try to rise but you cannot.

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