Return to the North

By Viking

Gothic Green

Sis and I headed to Haworth today so that sis could visit the Parsonage Museum. It was a lovely trip over the tops and decent weather to boot. The parsonage itself is well worth the 7.50 to get in and of course you had to pass through the gift shop to get out - so I just had to buy a mug and some earrings!
We then went to pub for lunch and then as sis went to make sure we didn't get a parking ticket I snuck into a shop that sold replica memorabilia (if that's even a genre) 
After spending 10 years in NZ having Yorkshire Tea shipped out to me I haven't had any since I got home (sis has PG Tips in the cupboard which are OK ) Anyway the shop I snuck into had a Yorkshire Tea mug and a teapot so I am afraid I spent money there too - oops! 
The main blip is of the graveyard of the church that Patrick Brontes was curate of. The church itself had to be rebuilt over a century ago but the graves are well over 200 years old on the whole.
In extras I have put a much more gothic looking black and white shot as well as one of the parsonage itself (a major struggle getting a shot without someone posing in the front, reminded me of Tekapo :-) )

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