Sunset Over Arran
We returned to Arran today. The weather improved steadily so that by the time we reached Brodick, it was warm and sunny.
There was still time before the bus going north, so we returned to the Little Rock Cafe for a spot of lunch before the trip. Glaciated valleys, Permo Triassic sandstone on the eastern beaches, and Cambrian shales and schists on the east. It was only after we got back that I discovered that we had missed Hutton's Unconformity at Lochranza at the northern point.
This was where James Hutton developed his theory of the history of the Earth and realised that where one set of rocks were overlying another set of rocks, and the lower set of rocks were deformed, the upper set of rocks must be younger, thus giving the lie to the biblical tale of creation in one go. At Lochranza, there is an exposure of Devonian sandstone dipping seaward overlying Cambrian shists dipping inland.
Even if I had known where to find it, there wasn't time to stop. The bus is a public service and has to keep to time.
No time to go to the Savoy on our return, but we did stop at Sainsburys in Prestwick where I bought some gluten free rolls and a bottle of rose wine to picnic in our room.
Then, as is our habit at the seaside, we ventured out with Basil for his run on the beach shortly before sunset. I hadn't realised that sunset would be a good four minutes earlier this evening, so didn't catch the sun actually going down. But did get some shots of the sky colour in wet sand. The tide was further out than on previous evenings.
I had intended to use an ND filter on the camera, to calm down the movement of the sea. You can't have everything.
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