Old Russian Camera

Another one from Scott's vintage camera collection :)

This one was standing at the studio where he's exhibiting his work for the Pittemweem Arts Festival. He makes beautiful salt prints. Not sure how to explain the process but if you want to know more about salt prints you can click here. His corner in the extras.

I had a long and busy day at work. After work, Scott picked me up and took me to the studio in Ovenstone, where he's exhibiting, as it was the opening night for the Pittenweem Arts Festival. I had a look at the beautiful works of art from different artists and then we went to Pittenweem for a look around and a couple of glasses of wine.

It was late when we finally got home and I was knackered. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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