welcome to the real world

By dobbin


I literally can't believe how far he's come. He was a little round headed, chubby boy when he began his "swimming career". Now he's won two silver medals at Nationals. I find it incredible!

I felt sick during his race, it was very intense. He was in a good lane, 6, so was aware of the main competitors. He swam an awesome race and a massive PB - 4:12.48. I'm so proud of all he's been able to do! And am very glad that Ellen and I trekked up to Sheffield at 4am to watch!

I could write so much more about today but I don't think I have the time. So a summary;
4am wake up, get ready to catch train
4:45am train cancelled, minor panicked situation but both too tired to truly panic, found another route, all okay
5:50am arrive at St Pancras (Pancreas) for second train
6:32am train to Sheffield departs (after 30minutes of me counting down!)
8:55am arrive at Sheffield and get mildly lost trying to find the pool
9:10am arrive at pool to a very happy Joe running down to hug me as we've been apart for a very long time!!!
Throughout the morning we watched the races, Abby made the finals at her first ever Nationals!
5pm finals begin, Abby comes 5th and Joe later wins his Silver medal
8:45pm PIZZA
10pm bed (PS Ellen fell out of bed twice!)

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