Edinburgh: Day 5

Yesterday's blip was actually uploaded in the early hours of this morning and today's is being uploaded tomorrow because we packed so much into today!

We took our time getting ready...in other words, we woke up late! Then we headed off to our second event of the Fringe A Simple Space....now I didn't think anything could top yesterday's (well actually the day before yesterday if you want to be exact) performance, but I think it might just have done. Oh my, could those Aussie acrobats/dancers/gymnasts bend and twist and fall and climb and jump and spin and flip and......well you get the picture. They were incredible, well worth going to see.

No sooner had we clapped them, we had to jump in a taxi and head off to the zoo....we were Giant Panda bound. I was very excited, but they obviously didn't know I was there because they hid indoors. Well I did get a fleeting glimpse of one and you can see my grainy pic here on Flickr....oh well, next time.

We then braved another bus back into town where we took a last mooch along The Royal Mile....this was where we saw everyone getting ready for the Tattoo....this bunch of cadets were happy to pose for me. 

So many things to see, so many things to do...and so little time left. We were starving by this time so we ate out before walking home. Lordy, Lordy, we have walked miles and miles this week, I must be shorter than when I first arrived! 

Now for the exciting news....Princess dwaletta of Leith has bestowed upon me the title of Sultana Bee. It 'tis an honour I accept especially as it is a title higher than Lady he he he. I thought it only right to have an official photo when we arrived home, so I donned my regal garb. Even Edinburgh celebrated it with me and put on a right royal firework display outside our window for me....they may have enjoyed it at the Tattoo too!

Another fabulous day......I'm exhausted now :)

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