But... it was... right there...
My Dear Fellow
After a pretty horrid day yesterday (including a 90 minute meeting) but an early night, I am feeling almost back to normal today. This is a relief.
I did however, manage to pop into the collection centre to get the Ricky Martin tickets yesterday. I waved them at Er Indoors. “I am going to put them in THAT DRAWER,” I said, pointing at the drawer of sellotape and scissors and spare keys.
I did this on purpose because I know what I am like.
“Why don’t you put them on the mantelpiece underneath the candle,” suggested Er Indoors. I think this is because she knows that drawers full of blu-tac and matches and pens tend to eat things. She makes a good point.
So I went to do just that. “Hey,” I said, “where did the tickets go?”
Yes! In that SHORT SPACE OF TIME it took for us to have that conversation I had managed to put the tickets down somewhere and LOSE them.
“You’re incredible,” said Er Indoors.
I hunted for about 5 minutes. They were next to my bed. Er Indoors just about wet herself.
It is hard being me sometimes.
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