Wet and thrice wet...
... In one fairly short walk there was both heavy rain and very pleasant sunshine (and at times, when it couldn't make up its mind, both together).
There's nothing exciting about the image (there wasn't when it was in colour either). It's just a drippy bench.These are the days when I think I shouldn't really blip, but I missed it when I wasn't doing it, and there's no doubt about a picture being an amazing aide-memoire when it comes to recalling an event (or non-event, if a wet walk floats your boat!).
Himself has found an unexpected ironmongers and is in seventh heaven (well he was before he 'set to' into the small cupboard that houses the hot water tank...Sigh). I must admit I love an ironmongery shop myself! They're always full of tempting little gadgets!
He might be gone some time..(See title) :-/
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