Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


(Shows well in Clear-winged LARGE

Well, actually it is a hummingbird clearwing moth (Hemaris thysbe) so called because it hovers and darts just like a hummingbird. In face, it's back is even a greenish color like our local ruby throat hummers. They have a short season in NJ and will be gone by the end of this month, so I didn't want to waste the opportunity to blip one. I was actually taking pictures of a beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on my butterfly bush when this moth showed up and stole the show. I took a few more shots from different angles which you can see HERE, Curly-tongued THERE, and Flitting EVERYWHERE.

I was going to go out with the Audubon group this morning, but when I woke up I was feeling a fair amount of residual fatigue from the outing this week, so decided to have a quiet morning at home instead. Fatigue is something that still plagues me from the brain surgery, and I sometimes underestimate it's impact. My brain always reminds me, though...

Anyway, tea in hand, I settled on the deck for a while this morning where I observed a shy Grackle, peaking at me. Well, okay, maybe "glaring" is a better word - but really, they aren't mean birds, they just look a bit evil. Mimsy came up on the deck to remind me that she was in need of sustenance so I provided some cracked corn which she promptly loaded into her bulging cheek pouches. I am still playing with my new and improved close up filters and got this shot of a green fly in haiy detail that was going to be my blip until the hummingbird moth came along.

Glad you enjoyed my foray into street photography the last few days. Back in the age of dinosaurs, before digital came along, I used to tote my Pentax SLR and loads of film downtown to take pictures of interesting street scenes on the lower east side, meat packing district and other gritty neighborhoods. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy that type of photography. I will definitely be exploring that more in the future! Thanks for all the comments on the last two days' shots.

Well, it's Friday and hubs is returning home from a long week on the road tonight. Flight lands in Newark at 9:30 and he should be home by 11 - yay! I think it is going to be hot and sticky this weekend, so not sure how many of the outdoors chores we'll get to this weekend. On the list is several more yards of mulch out front, lawn mowing, weeding, and other "fun" stuff. Also, I've decided to plant a proper butterfly garden for next summer, so we'll start planning where that will go. I'd like to take advantage of some of the native wildflowers in our area so much planning to be done...

Happy Friday, Blippers!

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