A long...

...evening stroll today as less than 500 steps had been recorded by the end of my home working day. This is in part because I do not carry my phone about with me everywhere...the Fitbit had more recorded but I'm always a bit wary that a simple hand movement can add steps on to the Fitbit, so I like to get the 10000 recorded on the phone.

As we were getting ready a heavy shower started. It's been heavy showers off and on all day since one almighty thunder & lightening session at 03h00. Woke Mr R & I...barmy army slept through!? How do they do that...it was incredibly loud!

Anyway, shower began to wane and we got the first half of the walk completed dry. Then the heaven's opened again and we were soaked but who cares. It was fine.

Grateful for the company of Mr R and my wee boys on the 10000 step quest tonight.

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