One a day...

... keeps the doctor away.

I like to eat apples now and again and I prefer apple juice to orange juice.

I love apple crumble and ice cream, but too lazy to make it myself.

Earliest known print in the February 1866 edition of Notes and Queries magazine includes this:

A Pembrokeshire proverb: "Eat an apple on going to bed, And you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread."

Eating, cooking, cider, crab apple - jelly, sauces, cider vinegar, etc.

My Mum used to take a green apple, core it, fill the hole with a mixed dried fruit, sugar and mixed spices. Butter the outside use greaseproof-papered tin, then bake it in the oven - time?

...Pause...  Run down stairs and get SWRI Traditional Recipe Book which Mum bought me for Xmas 1988 ...

"Baked Apple

Ingredients: 1lb cooking apples, raisins, margarine or butter.

Choose apples as near the same size as possible, wipe and core them. Fill up the centre with raisins or mincemeat, no sugar required. Put a pat of margarine or butter on top. Place in a greased baking tin and cook in a moderate oven about 40 minutes."

Another slightly different version of the baked apple.

Enjoy :-)

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