Happy Birthday at Hampden

It's my birthday today, I am 4! This morning I opened my cards - one from Mum and Dad, one from Grandma and Grandad, one from Uncle Charles and Auntie Kirsty and one all the way from Australia from Angus and Olivia! I opened presents from Mum and Dad and we went to the Olympics - well, to Hampden, to see Sweden versus France in the women's football quarter final. It was all very exciting. I said I wanted France to win, and they did, 2-1! It was my first ever live football match. I would have preferred Olympic swimming, but you have to go to London for that. After the match we came back into Glasgow and had a late lunch in Kimble's. Mum and Dad said I could get a special biscuit if I ate up all my sandwich. I did, so once I was finished I got down from the table, chose my biscuit, found a waitress and said "excuse me" and asked her if she would get it for me. She checked first with my mummy and daddy, then brought it over. It had lots of icing on it and a chocolate butterfly on top. It was very yummy! After lunch mum and dad took me to Hamleys and we got some Duplo. On our way back up Buchanan Street, we some some teenagers doing breakdancing. I wanted to join in, so I ran into the big space and did my own special jaguar dance (definitely not something she gets from her mother!).

When we got home, there was another card for me from Matthew and his mum, and a parcel from Christine - a lovely dress and leggings and another card! We are having a little birthday party tomorrow with my Mum's family and then another one next week with Dad's family. I am a very lucky girl!

And another special occasion today - three years of blips!

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