A time for everything

By turnx3


A few random facts about poinsettias:-

Poinsettias are native to Mexico.
The Aztecs called the poinsettia Cuetlaxochitl. They made a reddish purple dye from the bracts.
Chile and Peru called the poinsettia the "Crown of the Andes"
In the 17th century, Juan Balme, a botanist, mentioned poinsettia plants in his writings.
Poinsettias were introduced into the United States in 1825 by Joel Poinsett.
Poinsettias represent over 85 percent of the potted plant sales during the holiday season.
Ninety percent of all poinsettias are exported from the United States.
California is the top poinsettia producing state, with the Paul Ecke Ranch in California growing over 80 percent of poinsettias in the United States for the wholesale market.
Ninety per cent of all the flowering poinsettias in the world got their start at the Paul Ecke Ranch.
There are over 100 varieties of poinsettias available.
$220 million worth of poinsettias are sold during the holiday season.
Seventy-four percent of Americans still prefer red poinsettias; 8 percent prefer white and 6 percent pink.

I generally still go for a red one, though I love seeing the other colors in displays. So which is your favorite color?

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