from the cotton eyes

By p4muk

A Day with TVN


Today Tuana and I went to Dialogue In The Dark for the first time (and won't be the last for me personally). It was interesting how light seemed so strange and as an "extra" after we got out of utter darkness. The voices didn't sound as effective, people seemed just "different" when the looks are included. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful and happy with what I have and see it as a luxury but I would quite want something that prevents us to be distracted and fooled by visual factors. In our daily lives most of the time we ignore bigger values because of these superficial things. 
As a first step to get into this, I'm planning to record an audio book for visually handicapped people. We read dozens of books every year for ourselves, so why shouldn't I share this joy with tons of people who would want that?

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