The bay of Pigs

Our yachting day out.

Slept in...
overturned wood lorry on road so had to detour....very late now!
Managed to get on yacht, 38ft and very nice, without hitch
Skipper misread tide time tables but we still managed to get through the Corryvrecken whirlpool without incident.
Landed in the Bay of Pigs on Jura and walked to ravine that husband was surveying.
Picnic back on beach
Skipper did not tie up Tender properly and it was swept out to sea, he tried to swim for it without success, it looked cold.
We went round the rocks and found the tender washed up, grabbed line and held on until skipper swam back to shore and came round for it.
No time to do anything else so got back on board.
Uneventful sail home...phew

Remind me that I have always hated boats and I should not go on them. This shot is of our picnic with the yacht Eala in the bay

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