Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies


In the morning we visited Ahti's new day-care center for about two hours for him to get used to it before I actually leave him there next week. Then we travelled to Sipoonkorpi by bicycle, admired the view from Högberget and barbequed some food by fire. Ahti walked all the way to the lean-to, almost 3 km. He also walked part of the journey back to our bike, altogether almost 4 km. Would probably have walked at least a bit more but we were a bit in a hurry as we were going to barbeque with our friends so I carried him on my shoulders most of the way back.

From Sipoonkorpi we went straight to Haltiala where we barbequed and hanged with our friends. Later in the evening I went to play some disc golf at Siltamäki with my friend A. While at Siltamäki we also sat by the riverside for a good while.

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