An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Our 23rd Wedding Anniverary!

How can it be that 23 years have passed since THIS day???

By the time I press the submit button for this blip, it will be 23 years almost to the minute since our archived wedding photo was taken! It honestly feels like yesterday!

When you're younger and people try to warn you about how quickly time passes, you feel your eyes roll and a yeah, yeah if you say so trip casually off your tongue but OMG, it's SO true! And before you know it you're saying exactly the same to the next generation and they're rolling their eyes back at you and you just know they're not going to fully understand for another 20 years! :))

I am going to resist writing a mushy blip as I don't want to mortify D any more than necessary but I will say two things:-

1. I love him even more today than I did then.
2. If you lose your sense of humour your marriage has no chance!

Thank you D for 23 happy years. I can't wait to see what awaits us next!

P.S. This is a napkin ring from our wedding reception.

And yes I was a child bride. Married at age 12. :p

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