Cat Woman

If only she was as stealthy as a cat. She was up early for work today and that was any chance I had of sleeping beyond 05:30 well and truly gone. To be fair, I had woken before she started to stomp around the house so my sleep was done anyway.

Spin class last night just a couple of hours before badminton. Unsurprisingly this had a negative impact on my performance on the court. It's not that I lacked energy, I made as many shots as I would have done on a normal night but my timing was pretty much shot to pieces - I did a pretty good impression of someone having an epileptic fit whilst trying to swat a swarm of flies.

As predicted it's wet today and looking likely to stay that way. Decorating the study and building Lego is the order of the day then and I might just insist that Diana takes me out for lunch.

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